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Mar 27, 2019

World Series Wrestling announced their latest tour and as usual the fanbase exploded asking why is it they aren't visiting their town etc etc. So much so we contacted WSW and asked if they wanted to come on and clear up all the rumours and let the fans know the real deal!! 

Todd also asks Adrian YOUR questions left on...

Mar 14, 2019

This weeks episode Todd sits down with another of the crop of young guns from PWA. They talk about the culture at PWA, he developed the "Tree Hugger" character and how badly he wants to become sanitation commissioner for PWA Black Label 

Plus find out "Where The Action Is" this weekend around the country.

Check out...

Mar 6, 2019

Todd sat down before Pro Wrestling League with the MCW World Champ Gino Gambino. They chatted about the travel he does nowadays, how important doing different seminars are to a workers development and whether the colour of a New Japan tracksuit determines if you're in the Bullet Club or not....

Plus find out "Where The...